Answer the question after listening to the task in page 13. - The days and months which are not mentioned in these conversations are
حل Answer the question after listening to the task in page 13. - The days and months which are not mentioned in these conversations are
طلابنا الاعزاء ، أهلا بكم في موقع سوالف علم ، حيث هنا نقدم لكم الحل الصحيح لسؤالكم.
إجابة Answer the question after listening to the task in page 13. - The days and months which are not mentioned in these conversations are
من هنا نسعي لمساعدتكم في حل السؤال الذي تبحثون عنه.
هذا السؤال ، قد وردنا ونحن هنا لمساعدتكم في الحل الصحيح.
السؤال : Answer the question after listening to the task in page 13. - The days and months which are not mentioned in these conversations are
الجواب هو : Wednesday، April
شاهد حل سؤال : these words aren't mentioned in the .chant horse fish eel slow small seagull