.Mark the past tense verbs from the text In the past I used to sleep tell noon and stayed under my sheets tell late. I loved watching TV tell late hour and chatted with my friends all the night. .Now my alarm clock rings at 7 o'clock and every weekday moming I try to ignore it, but I wake up and make my self a good break fast. Some mornings I fall back to sleep for a few minutes! After a short time I realize that I have to get up. I sigh. I struggle out of bed and I start my day
يسعدنا من خلال موقع سوالف علم أن نقدم لكم جواب .Mark the past tense verbs from the text In the past I used to sleep tell noon and stayed under my sheets tell late. I loved watching TV tell late hour and chatted with my friends all the night. .Now my alarm clock rings at 7 o'clock and every weekday moming I try to ignore it, but I wake up and make my self a good break fast. Some mornings I fall back to sleep for a few minutes! After a short time I realize that I have to get up. I sigh. I struggle out of bed and I start my day
هذا السؤال ضمن الاسئلة الاكثر بحثا داخل المملكة العربية السعودية من قبل الطلاب ، حيث ورد هذا السؤال ضمن المنهج السعودي.
حل سؤال .Mark the past tense verbs from the text In the past I used to sleep tell noon and stayed under my sheets tell late. I loved watching TV tell late hour and chatted with my friends all the night. .Now my alarm clock rings at 7 o'clock and every weekday moming I try to ignore it, but I wake up and make my self a good break fast. Some mornings I fall back to sleep for a few minutes! After a short time I realize that I have to get up. I sigh. I struggle out of bed and I start my day
وردنا هذا السؤال من أحد الطلبة في المملكة العربية السعودية ويريد معرفة جواب هذا السؤال ، لذلك تم عرض السؤال علي أحد المتخصصين ومعرفة الجواب الصحيح والمعتمد والذي سوف تحصل من خلاله علي الدرجة النهائية الخاصة بهذا السؤال.
ومن خلال موقعنا نسعي جاهدين علي توفير الاجابة النموذجية والمعتمدة من قبل وزارة التعليم.
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